What is it about Vermont that gives it the honor of producing so many amazing artists? I'm not sure if it can be credited to the sheer beauty of the Northeast in the spring and fall, or the bitterness of the long, cold winters that lay heavy on the region, but what thing is for certain--if you're looking to discover an immense amount of compelling, independently produced music, start with the Green Mountain State.
Certainly this is true when it comes to Anais Mitchell. A couple years ago, fellow Vermont-native Gregory Douglass recommended we download 2004's "Hymns for the Exiled" and we couldn't be more grateful. The third track on the album alone, "Cosmic American," was an immediate favorite and has certainly found a permanent home on my "deserted island" playlist. How can you not be drawn into a song with such melodic beauty and deeply sexual lyrics "spent a long night with a stranger I give my body to, still I miss you" and "up behind your Astro van, you got me up against the fender, you are the Cosmic American..."?
On March 26th, I was fortunate enough to see Anais perform live at the famous Freight & Salvage in Berkeley. Simply put, she is downright incredible live. Her casual charm and spot on vocals combined to command our attention. The whole room was hanging on every lyric of every song. That is, until the encore when the power suddenly went out. While many artists may have just ended there, Anais made it magical when, under the dim light of a few flashlights and votive candles, she invited all of us to join in a sing-along version of "Goodnight, Irene." Perfection!